  • Smart & Healthy Cooking Tips for Weight loss

    Smart & Healthy Cooking Tips for Weight loss

    Services like Swiggy and Zomato offer convenience, but home-cooked meals are best for health and weight loss. Here are some methods and tips for better nutrient retention and weight management. 1. Cooking Veggies for Nutrient Retention-  As Fiber enriched food veggies tops the list, nutritionists recommend to fill half of our plates with veggies as a part of weight loss diet plan. Steaming: Preserves...


    Intermittent fasting (IF) or periodic fasting has gained significant popularity in recent years as a dietary approach claimed to offer a range of health benefits. From weight loss to improved metabolic health to autophagy (a protective process that breaks down aging or damaged cell parts that can be reused for cell repair or formation) proponents of intermittent fasting tout its advantages. However, like any...
  • Slim down with right choice of summer beverages

    Slim down with right choice of summer beverages

    As summer's heat surges, our search for refreshing drinks escalates. But for those prioritizing weight management, making the right choices is essential to avoid setbacks. Each beverage decision influences hydration and weight goals alike. Let’s quench our thirst to know more. Is Loading our fridge with packaged juice, soft drinks and other fizzy drinks the right choice? Packaged fruit juices are not ideal for...
  • Avoiding ‘MenoBulge’ - How to combat Menopause Weight Gain?

    Avoiding ‘MenoBulge’ - How to combat Menopause Weight Gain?

    Is abdominal weight gain during menopause avoidable? Most of us are familiar with the word menopause, hormonal changes, stopping of menstrual cycle etc. but perimenopause is lesser known. Most of us are unaware of when does it start, how to deal with all the unusual physical and mental roller coaster that comes with it. One of the most common concerns for women during perimenopause...
  • Decoding the Insulin Resistance - Central Obesity Connection

    Decoding the Insulin Resistance - Central Obesity Connection

    In the realm of weight management, the term 'insulin resistance' frequently surfaces. Yet, many remain unaware of the connection between insulin resistance and central obesity. Let's unravel this link, aiming to inspire a greater understanding that empowers individuals to prioritize their health. What is the role of insulin? Carbohydrates are like fuel for our body, when we eat them, the digestive system breaks them...
  • Booze to Bulge: The Weighty Connection

    Booze to Bulge: The Weighty Connection

    How Cheers leads to Kilos and the link between alcohol consumption and accumulation of belly fat has been well established. The body processes alcohol differently, prioritizing its metabolism over fats and carbohydrates, potentially leading to increased caloric consumption and the development of belly fat.Excessive beer consumption is associated with weight gain and belly fat accumulation, as beer is high in calories. Additionally, alcohol may stimulate appetite and influence poor...
  • 5 Must Know Facts to Help You Shed Stubborn Abdominal Fat

    5 Must Know Facts to Help You Shed Stubborn Abdominal Fat

    Abdominal fat is the most stubborn of all the fats. Most of us struggle to reduce belly fat and some have yo-yo results which means, they lose but gain back again and others fail to get results. Let us learn more to understand how best we can address this stubborn problem. Abdominal fat is of two types Subcutaneous fat and Visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat...
  • 5 Reasons Why Fad Diets Fail to Deliver Real Weight Loss?

    5 Reasons Why Fad Diets Fail to Deliver Real Weight Loss?

    Most of us experience yo-yo results as far as fad diets and weight loss is concerned, that is after following extreme diets some weight is lost but comes right back and sometimes you end up gaining more weight than the initial level. And many even face health issues. Let’s find out why such diets fail Muscle loss instead of fat loss - Restrictive imbalanced...
  • 5 Health Risks of Fat Burners You Must Know

    5 Health Risks of Fat Burners You Must Know

    Fat burners are supplements which help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism and burning fat. They work in a number of different ways as given below Increasing your metabolism - Fat burners may increase your metabolism that is, it increases the rate at which your body burns calories leading to weight loss over time. Stimulants acting in various ways- Thermogenic or generating heat,...
  • Weight Loss vs Inch Loss: What's Better & Why?

    Weight Loss vs Inch Loss: What's Better & Why?

    Weight loss and inch loss are two main aspects of body measurement, the choice between the two depends on individual needs, and sometimes a combination of the two may be beneficial. What’s the difference between weight loss and inch loss? Weight loss is often desired for health and aesthetic reasons, it does not provide a complete picture of changes in body composition. Weight loss...
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