
Hba1c Test: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

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A doctor may recommend an HbA1c blood test to diagnose diabetes, monitor blood sugar levels, and assess the risk of developing diabetes. Unlike daily finger prick blood sugar tests that give you a reading at that exact moment, the HbA1c gives you a view of your average blood sugar levels over the previous 2 to 3 months. It does this by measuring the percentage of haemoglobin—a protein in your red blood cells that carries oxygen—that has glucose attached to it. These red blood cells have a lifespan of around 3 months. Essentially, it provides a long-term view of your blood sugar control, rather than a snapshot like a regular blood glucose test.  

Why is HbA1c important?

Think of your HbA1c as your health's report card. It's not just a number; it reveals how well your body handles sugar over time. This test is a game-changer for anyone with diabetes or at risk. For those with diabetes, it's the key to knowing if your treatment is on track. For everyone else, it's an early warning system for prediabetes, often before any symptoms show up. Why is this so vital? Because high HbA1c means a higher risk of serious problems like nerve damage, kidney disease, and heart trouble. Even a small drop in your HbA1c can significantly lower those risks. Your doctor uses this test to fine-tune your care, whether it’s adjusting medications, recommending lifestyle tweaks, or setting new health goals. It's your partner in staying healthy.

Let’s Understand The Numbers : HbA1c Range & What Do They Mean?

HbA1c Normal (Under 5.7%)

Below 5.7% - HbA1c is normal. It means your average blood sugar is in the "sweet spot" (below 117 mg/dL or 6.5 mmol/L). You're keeping diabetes complications at bay, so keep doing what you're doing.

HbA1c Prediabetes (5.7% to 6.4%)

Got an HbA1c between 5.7% and 6.4%? It is prediabetes HbA1c. That's a friendly nudge from your body saying, "Hey, let's make some changes!" Your blood sugar is a tad high (117 to 137 mg/dL or 6.5 to 7.6 mmol/L), putting you in the prediabetes zone. Now's the time to dial in your diet and get moving to avoid heading down the diabetes path.

HbA1c Diabetes (6.5% or Higher)

If your HbA1c is 6.5% or higher (140 mg/dL or 7.8 mmol/L and above), it's time to have a serious chat with your doctor. You've officially entered diabetes territory, and managing your blood sugar is crucial. Don't worry though; your doctor will work with you to create a plan that fits your lifestyle.

hba1c normal values

5 Steps to Help You Take Charge of your PreDiabetes or Diabetes 

1. Eat Well - The Right Way

Follow a Nutritionist-designed meal plan that’s practical and easy to follow. Download the Region specific Diet plan that has been designed by Nutritionist specifically for Diabetics to help you achieve that.

2. Get Expert Guidance for Better Health

Need a personalized approach? Talk to our nutrition expert for personalized advice to help you stay healthier and keep blood sugar in control.

3. Stay Active & Maintain a Healthy Weight

Exercise regularly—even a daily walk helps. Manage your weight to keep blood sugar stable. Start by learning what should be your Healthy Weight using the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMI) Calculator and Waist-to-Hip Ration (WHR) Calculator. A higher BMI and WHR suggests more fat and higher risks of heart disease and diabetes.

4. Supplement Smartly

  • Control your blood sugar spikes better by adding a 100% Natural and Nutritionist Recommended  Actifiber Natural Sugar Controlto your food. ActiFiber is Clinically Proven to give you Better Control over your Blood Sugar fluctuations in just 4 Weeks.Over the long term, ActiFiber also helps you overcome constant hunger & fatigue, and have sustained energy. Just add a sachet of ActiFiber to each of the 2 main meals, it dissolves easily with no taste, odour or colour thus blending into your regular diet effortlessly.

  • Reduce excess body weight & fat to keep your diabetes in check. Include a Weight & Fat loss supplement like ActiFiber Natural Lean & Fit as part of your daily diet. Known as the "Inch Loss Expert," ActiFiber helps Regulate appetite, Supports weight loss, and Reduces body fat. Over the long term, it also helps you stay healthy and reduces risk of lifestyle health challenges like Diabetes.

5. Take Medications as Prescribed & Monitor Your Blood Sugar Regularly

If your doctor has prescribed medications, take them consistently and discuss any adjustments needed. Keep track of your blood sugar levels at home.Schedule routine check-ups to stay ahead of any issues.

HbA1c test - How It Works, What to Expect & How often

A quick blood draw (from your arm) is all it takes. The lab measures the percentage of sugar-coated haemoglobin. Results are usually quick, and you don't need to fast beforehand. Remember, your target HbA1c might vary, so always talk to your doctor.

People with diabetes should usually have their HbA1c checked every three months, particularly if their blood sugar levels are fluctuating. If their diabetes is well-controlled, testing every six months might be sufficient. It's crucial to discuss your individual testing schedule with your doctor.

Taking Control

High HbA1c? You can take charge! Click on the links to know more

By embracing healthy lifestyle choices, individuals can significantly improve their HbA1c, leading to a healthier and more fulfilling life with reduced risk of complications.

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