  • What Is Diabetes?

    What Is Diabetes?

    The food you eat (mainly the carbohydrates) gets converted into glucose (sugar) which gives you energy. A hormone is released by the pancreas (an organ behind the stomach) which allows glucose to enter all the cells of your body.
  • Glycaemic Index - Keeping Score

    Glycaemic Index - Keeping Score

    When you eat carbohydrate rich food, your body breaks down the sugars and starches present in food into glucose thus raising your blood sugar level.
  • Eating Right For Sugar Control

    Eating Right For Sugar Control

    Living a healthy life with diabetes is easy once you are aware of healthy options. If you know what is good for you, then this can help you in making a better choice. 
  • Make Your Plate Fiber Rich

    Make Your Plate Fiber Rich

    Eat healthy to live healthy is not just a phrase but it needs to be followed if one wants to stay fit. To live healthy, we should eat balanced nutrition, which not only 
  • Know Your Fiber Better

    Know Your Fiber Better

    Dietary fiber is a plant-based carbohydrate. It is not digested by your body but still it is very important as it plays a vital role in maintaining good health. Foods rich in 
  • Tips To Increase Fiber In Your Diet

    Tips To Increase Fiber In Your Diet

    Diabetes, high cholesterol or obesity --- in all these lifestyle problems, diet plays a major role. Doctors, nutritionists, dieticians world-wide recommend to increase 
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